I am a motion graphics animator and compositor / mixed media artist. I graduated from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor’s Fine Arts Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media. I have a distinct creative outlook which is linked to my life experience. For this reason I believe it is relevant to mention work that I have done that is not immediately related to animation; experiences from wildland fire fighting to gourmet butcher shop clerk. These experiences influence both my work ethic and creative vision. To Paraphrase Werner Herzog, if you want to be a great film maker go out and live life.
I recently successfully completed a 'Kickstarter' campaign for self publishing my debut graphic novel, Kita. I wrote Kita as a feature film script and illustrated the story from the script. More about the project can be found on the "Kita" page on this website.
If you are looking to hire a motion graphics animator, or other animation and compositing work, please reach out.
Thank you!